Welcome to the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. We provide objective education, research and information to the employee benefits community. Over 31,500 members rely on the Foundation to provide comprehensive health care, pension, fiduciary responsibility, investment, retirement security and other benefits education.

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Today's Headlines is the most urgent, need-to-know benefit news culled from thousands of sources, delivered to your inbox each business day.

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Foundation Members have access to just-in-time quality education. The products and services below are available for members, offered in a variety of formats.


Webcasts—Strategies from leading experts in the industry in a library of live and recorded webcasts.

Benefit BitsShort videos offering key takeaways on a wide range of topics. In Minutes you'll get a condensed taste of the Foundation's best programming.


Talking Benefits—Monthly podcast featuring a quick news update and then a deeper dive into a trending benefits topic.


Benefits Magazine—Award-winning monthly publication featuring insights from benefits pros.

Survey ResultsDifficult-to-find details and benchmarking data help employers address the challenging benefits environment.

Word on Benefits—Blog featuring quick, timely reads on benefit trends.


Got a Benefits Question?—Ask a benefits expert! The team researches member questions and provides customized information on any employee benefits topic.

Foundation CommunityA platform for members to interact with each other by sharing ideas and best practices


Today's Headlines—Daily e-mail containing top benefits news stories expertly selected just for our members.

Legislative Tracker and Regulatory UpdatesStay on top of news out of Washington impacting the employee benefits landscape.

Sample DocumentsView sample policies, job descriptions, forms, checklists and other documents that have been shared by members.

InfoQuickA self-service tool for members to find benefits information in a flash.


Job/Resumé Posting—Members can post jobs at a discounted rate or upload their resumé for free.

Discounts—Members receive discounts on registration fees for hundreds of conferences and e-learning courses, in addition to saving 25% on books published by the Foundation.