Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Author: International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
Item #: EL102

Three-Credit Course

ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits, under certain circumstances, discrimination based on disability. Further, ADA affords a broad series of protections against discrimination for Americans with disabilities. This course goes into depth on Title I of ADA, which specifically provides protection from employment discrimination to qualified applicants and employees with disabilities.

Course Outline

Average Time to Complete: 2 - 4 hours

No Course Extensions: This course is available for 180 days from the date of purchase. No course extensions will be granted and the course will need to be repurchased if it expires.

Learning Accommodations: Please call (888) 334-3327, Option 3 or email us at if you need any accommodations to aid your learning.

Find Out More:

COMP: US$0.00
COMP-CD: C$0.00
Member-CD: C$180.00
Member-US: US$180.00
Non-Member-CD: C$270.00
Non-Member-US: US$270.00Your price
Student-CD: C$225.00
Student-US: US$225.00